Saturday, March 7, 2009

Snug as a Bug???

So over the last seven months, we have found that Elle falls asleep much faster and stays asleep a lot longer if we swaddle her up real tight...our little "burrito baby". I must say that she fights it like crazy, because she knows the final outcome! I have also been trying to put her down for her nap and let her fall asleep on her own. Like I said before, she HATES sleep!! Well, on this particular day, I wrapped her up tight and laid her on her back! She cried and cried...but I waited it out. Once she stopped, I went in to check on her and this is what I found! She had completely got out of her swaddle and wiggled her way to the middle of the bed and on to her tummy!! She looked so cute, though, I had to take her picture!


  1. Nice. Don't you just love how kids have a mind of their own. Just wait until she is two...I can't wait to see what she does then.

    I still can't believe how big she is feels like you just had her the other day.

  2. Her blond hair is so cute!! Its crazy how fast they start moving all over the place--asleep or awake!!

  3. She is getting big already! I miss you.
